Kananaskis 100 Mile Relay Race Rules

New bear spray requirements.

Parks is now requiring all runners to carry bear spray from the beginning of leg 3 to the end of the race whilst running, although we’re recommending you just start with it at leg 1. Not every person needs to purchase bear spray – you can pass it from runner to runner at each relay station. However, if you will be utilizing the forced starts on leg 8 and/or 10, you’ll need to be sure that those runners have their own bear spray as they won’t be “tagged” by the previous leg runner. For example, start your leg 1 runner with the bear spray which can then be passed all the way through to leg 7. Then make sure your leg 8 runner has spray who can then pass it to leg 9. Your leg 10 runner will need their own spray. So, three cans of spray for a team that will be in the forced starts. Teams that know they won’t be in the forced starts will only need one can of spray.

Please also be aware of the forced starts on earlier legs that some teams will get caught in. If you will be caught in the forced starts before leg 8 then you’ll need two cans of bear spray for your team to pass forward.

Check out this video on the use of bear spray. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDgBY2PbnO4

Rules that Make it Fun and Safe

These rules are in place to make the K-100 safe and fun for participants, volunteers and observers. It is the team captain’s responsibility to ensure that all team members are aware of and follow the rules. Rule infractions will result in a 20 minute time penalty.

Please see below for General Rules, Runner Substitution, and Safety Rules.


  • No headphones. Running with headphones is unsafe as it impedes the ability to hear traffic, directions from race officials and wildlife. The no headphone rule will be strictly enforced. Runners will be given one warning and a further infraction will result in a 20 minute time penalty for the team.
  • The 2021 race will start at 6:30 a.m. in Longview, Alberta. Runners for leg one will start in seeded groups at 60 minute intervals. Faster teams will start later.
  • Prior to their anticipated start, runners must check-in at the station at the beginning of their assigned leg. The runner’s race bib will be provided at the time of check-in.
  • All runners must complete the online waiver prior to race day.
  • All runners must wear the assigned race bib so that it is clearly visible from the front.
  • Transfer between teammates will occur in the chute located at each station. There are no batons, transfer is a simple tag.
  • Timing is chip timing. Leg one runners will receive the team chip when they check in and each runner will pass the chip to the next runner when they tag off.
  • Run on the shoulder of the road facing traffic, between the white line and the edge of the pavement. Do not run in the driving lane or on the white line.
  • Each team is allowed two vehicles on the race course. One to shuttle runners between stations and the second to provide support to the runner on the course.
  • Support and drop-off vehicle permits are issued with the team race kit. These must be prominently displayed on the appropriate vehicles.
  • On legs nine and ten, support is provided by the race organizers. Five aid stations on each of these legs will be set up and manned by race volunteers. Water, first aid, and communications will be provided at each station. Team support of runners on leg 9 is strictly prohibited.
  • Runners are responsible for knowing the route. This is especially important during leg nine and ten. While we mark the course clearly, the trails are still open to the public and markers can be accidentally moved or broken by other users. Maps are provided to team captains in their race bags and are also available for review at the beginning of leg nine and ten.
  • After dropping your leg 9 runner (and picking up your leg 8 runner) please proceed directly to the Nakiska parking lot. No parking will be permitted at the Ribbon Creek Day Use Area or the Kovach Pond Day Use Area unless directed by parking officials. Stopping along the Nakiska/Kananaskis Village access road is also prohibited.
  • To ensure that the race can be completed within daylight hours, two forced starts will occur. Please see the race guide for details of the forced start.
  • Any team observed with open liquor on the course will be subjected to immediate disqualification and will be reported to the RCMP.
  • Out of respect for the commitment of the K-100 volunteers, absolutely no physical or verbal abuse will be tolerated. Any such behaviour will result in a 20 minute time penalty being assessed against the team. In addition, the offending individual (or their whole team) may be disqualified at the discretion of the race director.
  • Pets must remain on leash at all times.
  • Runners must obey the instructions of race officials, RCMP, and K-Country conservation officers. Failure to do so will result in possible disqualification.


These rules apply to substitutions for part of a leg.

  • If a runner is unable to complete his/her leg, a substitute runner may be drawn from the team.
  • The substitute runner must take the bib from the replaced runner. Upon completing the leg, the runner must immediately report the substitution to the station marshall.
  • In the case of a substitution at the beginning of a leg, please notify the check-in volunteers.
  • Teams will be assessed a 20 minute time penalty for mid-leg substitutions.
  • No penalty will be assessed if a leg is split by two runners who both have or both will run another complete leg, meaning the team has completed the race with less than 10 runners. In this case, any runner may only split one leg in addition to running a full leg. A leg can be shared by no more than two runners.
  • Each team will be allowed one five minute substitution penalty in the event that a runner can’t complete their leg and the substitute runner has or will run a complete leg.
  • The runner who withdrew from the race is not allowed to participate later in the event.
  • A team not reporting a substitution will be assessed an additional 20 minute time penalty.


The following rules have been developed in an effort to make the K-100 a safe and enjoyable race for the runners, supporters, volunteers, and race officials. It is essential to the success of the race that these safety rules are adhered to. While we don’t want to be overzealous in the assessment of penalties, the course will be well patrolled and infractions penalized.

  • All teams must abide by the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act of Alberta and follow the directives of the race officials.
  • No u-turns or three point turns are permitted. Turn-around’s are only allowed in designated pull off areas.
  • Each team is allowed a maximum of two support vehicles as described in the general rules.
  • Motor-homes may not be used as support vehicles.
  • Bicycles may not be used to support runners on the course at any time.
  • A reflective safety vest; must be worn while crossing traffic and supporting runners on the course. Vests will be available for purchase at the team captain’s meetings.
  • Runner support must take place from the left side (ditch side) of the runner.
  • No parking or driving in the runners lane.
  • No stopping in designated “no stopping” areas of the course.
  • Team support of runners is prohibited along leg 9.
  • At a station, vehicles may use the designated drop off zones to stop and drop off a runner. Do not let runners out of the vehicle in the middle of the road. Maximum time in a drop off zone is 5 minutes.
  • When stopping, vehicles must pull off the road with left wheels parallel to, and two feet from the white line. Please, no stopping in the middle of the road.
  • When pulled over, hazard lights must be on.
  • Absolutely no diagonal parking down the embankments will be allowed.
  • No parking in the ditch.
  • Maximum time allowed in the drop-off zones is 5 minutes. Drivers wishing to remain at a station longer than 5 minutes must pull ahead and park further along the highway. Drop-off zones will be clearly marked and monitored by a traffic marshall.

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